Copyright Yourself with Domain names - No more registrars needed

Some time ago I wrote a article explaining how to guarantee the anteriority of a document (the timestamp), as well as the author, using the bitcoin block chain, by sending a small amount to a particular address.

An alternative is to use the Domain Name System, and to register a ...

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Private, Confidential, Available and Cheap Cloud with VPS, NBD, LVM, SSHFS, ENCFS and Samba

I have been battling for a while to find the best way to outsource my data "in the cloud". I mean personal data: camera pics, documents, backups, etc. What I want to achieve is:

  • no worry about hard disk failure, theft, fire and so on (you never know - our life ...

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Copyright Yourself with BitCoin (et. al) - No more registrars needed

Looking at Bitcoin addresses and the way they are constructed, we can easily write a bash script that generates a valid address from any SHA-256 hash.

ripemd160=`echo -n $initialsha | xxd -r -p | openssl rmd160 -binary | xxd -p`  
extripemd160=`echo 00$ripemd160`  
finalsha=`echo $extripemd160 | xxd -r -p ...
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